CHAPTER 2 from the manual of AQUAD Five:

Huber, G. L. (1997). Analysis of qualitative data with AQUAD Five for Windows (pp.23-36). Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber Verlag.

How to conduct a qualitative analysis

In this chapter we try to outline typical phases in the process of a qualitative text analysis. Particular analytical steps are marked as characteristics of these phases, although concrete processes of qualitative analysis usually follow a cyclic path, i.e., during every phase a researcher may be engaged part of the time in activities characterising other phases of analysis. In addition, this chapter tries to give an overview on the usage of computer assistance for qualitative analysis as provided by Aquad. Details are explained in later chapters. However, the following chapters of this manual cannot offer more than a general introduction to methodological approaches to qualitative analyses and possible contributions of computers. We suggest that users who want to learn more about underlying principles read the following books:

This list is far from being exhaustive, but names some selected books which seem appropriate for beginners in qualitative analysis and which demonstrated their usefulness in Huber's seminars at the University of Tübingen. All of these books also offer excellent approach to more specialized literature. In the following, this chapter borrows from an introduction by Huber (1992) which unfortunately is not available in English.

1. Which are the steps in qualitative analysis?

As typical phases of qualitative analyses of texts we can distinguish the reduction of the original data base, the reconstruction of linkages, and the comparison of findings. Especially in psychological studies researchers often are interested in inferring inductively from one subject's data regularities in this person's experiences and behaviors. Whether communalities can be found when taking into account data of several persons is interesting, too, but only during a later stage of investigation.

The first phase of qualitative analysis is characterized by reducing the overwhelming amount of text data by identifying the content of more or less encompassing text segments. Then, a "code" as abbreviation or name is attached to this text segment. In the following, these codes are used as representants of text segments or "units of meaning" in the text. Fundamentally, this is a process of categorization, where the categories may emerge during text interpretation or may be taken from an already existing category system depending on the researcher's epistemological orientation.

During the second phase researchers try to reconstruct the text producer's subjective meaning system from the units of meaning in their text data. By "text producer" we refer to the researcher's interview partners, to writers of diaries, to observers who took field notes in a setting, etc. In order to reconstruct meaning systems we are looking for regular linkages between units of meaning in the text data, which are characteristic for text producers and/or their situation.

In the third phase finally researchers try to infer invariants or general communalities by comparing individual systems of meaning (see Ragin, 1987).

It is important to keep in mind that these phases neither are strictly demarcated nor do they follow each other in a linear sequence, but they overlap and are linked to each other in circular patterns (cf. Shelly & Sibert, 1992). During data reduction we may start to ponder about the text producer's implicit theory or we may permanently compare the text at hand with other texts which we have read earlier. Thus we may perhaps detect in person C's text an aspect of meaning which we overlooked in person A's text. As a consequence, we repeat the process of data reduction for person A. In all of these phases it is necessary to affirm deductively the validity of our generalizations. That is, we try to infer particularities from our general findings and then return to our text data and try to find evidence in form of specific data, i.e., statements in the texts.

2. How to reduce qualitative data

The principles of reduction are obviously simple, but their application soon proves to demand very much work, to consume very much time, and to be very prone to errors. Voluminous verbal materials have to be reduced to the units or categories of meanings they contain. Tesch (1992) describes these principles as retrieving and marking of text segments, which are relevant for the question under study, by an abbreviation, that is a code for the particular category of meaning. Tesch also compared computer assisted analysis and "traditional" approaches, which use segments of texts or text clippings in the literal sense or which transfer relevant text segments to index cards. The work load is tremendous in both cases. Computer software not only assists in reducing the amount of data, but also in reducing all the mechanical labor otherwise necessary. Instead of handling verbose clippings of text distributed over many piles of index cards, further computer assisted analyses use just the codes of these text segments; that is, after data reduction you work with category names and information where to find the categorized text segments in your texts. If you need to scrutinize the original text segment again during the course of your work, the computer will retrieve it immediately for you.

The critical question in this phase of analysis is: How and where do I find units of meaning in my texts? Beginners in text analysis as well as experts who try to get familiar with a new content domain ask this question again and again. Weber (1985) describes six widely used general possibilities to define text segments, namely to choose as unit of analysis single words, meanings of words, sentences, topics, paragraphs, and the complete text (for instance, if the texts are short as in the case of letters to the editor or if you want to produce head lines or abstracts). However, this choice cannot be made mechanically, but it needs itself tentative qualitative decisions. Not so obvious when single words are used as units of analysis, but quite obvious when we use more complex alternatives like word meanings or sentences, we need preceding insights or hypotheses that the unit we have chosen will contribute to answer our research question. Additional qualitative decisions are necessary, for instance which words are used synonymously or which idiomatic expressions have similar meanings for the writers/speakers of our texts.

The strategies of defining units of meaning describe an important difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches to text analysis since the beginnings of a broader reception of text analysis in the social sciences. In the same year, 1952, two trendsetting articles were published by Berelson and by Kracauer. While text analysis serves for Berelson to assess systematically, objectively, and quantitatively the manifest contents of communication, qualitative content analysis according to Kracauer tries to reveal the categories of meaning hidden or latent in the text. Both authors relate their controversial positions to a debate, which Thomas & Znanecki (1918) had initiated 35 years earlier with a meanwhile classical analysis of letters of Polish immigrants to the United States. Obviously the question of adequate units of analysis -- words vs. meanings -- is confounded with the particular goal of text analysis.

On the level of processing both approaches do not necessarily exclude each other. Especially with assistance of computers we can apply various strategies from the quantitative approach to qualitative text analysis in order to gain support for our interpretational endeavors.

Principally we should keep in mind to develop the analytic units during text interpretation. This is true in analyses which try to understand the experiences and actions of people from their own verbal descriptions as well as in analyses which try to explain specific actions by relating them to the frame of reference of these people's implicit theories. Only this approach helps to open a door to the subjective world views of our interviewees or producers of other types of text. Otherwise, we would be in danger of grasping only some partial aspects of their world views, maybe isolated from their subjective context, which our personal analytic grid is able to comb out. The strategy of developing categories "on the fly" corresponds to the approach of "grounded theory", an empirically based procedure of generating theories recommended by Glaser & Strauss (1979).

However, this procedure demands enormous work as soon as more than two or three texts are to be analyzed. Because we usually want to compare the results from single texts in advanced stages of analysis, we have to ensure that we defined and coded the units of meaning in all of the texts coherently. Usually this process has to be repeated again and again, and in this process units of meaning and their codes have to be modified. Miles & Huberman (1984; 1994) suggested a compromise, which structures the process of data reduction from the beginning: Before you start reading your data texts you state a very general frame of orientation without any references to particular contents; then you try to find specific units of meaning within this framework. This structuring does not contradict the demand of openness for emerging categories while reading your texts, because usually the reduction of potential data by structuring starts even before you enter the phase of coding your texts, for instance when planning and deciding which persons, cases, sites, types of texts, etc. should be included in a study.

3. How to find units of meaning

When looking for units of meaning in the data texts, you should be open for emerging structures in the texts. However, recipes enforcing structures on the data may often be welcome because they help to shorten a phase of maximal uncertainty particularly during the first steps of data analysis. On the other hand, the price for certainty and savings of time and effort may be too high: concrete guidelines would lead only to those units of meaning which could be foreseen, while surprising, rare, but maybe most interesting aspects are in jeopardy of being omitted from further analysis. The following hints should be understood as heuristics, that is, as general directions which provide assistance in identifying units of meaning and attaching appropriate codes, but not as algorithmic rules which could be followed step by step to a predetermined goal. Three heuristics will be described in the following. Aquad offers support particularly for the first two of them and their variations, which are also outlined.

  • When looking for categories we read a text and try to be sensitive to emerging concepts, to statements about situations, events or persons, to opinions, ideas, etc., which can be attributed to a general, super-ordinate category.
  • When looking for sequences we pay attention to statements of linkages, connections, relations, etc., expressed in the text, and we try to put these subjectively linked statements together in a unit of meaning -- which will be more comprehensive then the results of categorical data reduction.
  • When looking for themes or topics we have to go to the most abstract level; in some cases a complete text is reduced to its topic, for instance, when we reduce short texts like "letters to the editor" etc.

  • 3.1 How to find categorical codes

    In addition to looking for units of meaning in the text, we have to decide, whether our categories and the corresponding codes should describe, interpret or explain the content of a particular text segment (see Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 56). This is a decision for which we cannot expect computer assistance. Here, the computer assists "only" in documenting, in sorting, and in revising -- if necessary -- all the decisions a researcher has made on his/her own responsibility. Then, three possibilities are widely used to find categorical codes:

    Applying pre-determined category systems

    If a qualitative study does not aim at constructing theories from concepts emerging in the texts, there is a very simple means of finding codes: You can use an available category system and reduce your texts according to the interpretational schemata contained in the system chosen. Categorical systems may be "available" from earlier studies on the same topic or from publications of other authors.

    When using a pre-determined category system we have to decide which segments of a given text correspond to which of the given category definitions. Within Aquad we have then to note where each of these segments is located in our text and which codes apply to them. How this is done will be explained in detail in chapter 5. Without fail we will have trouble assigning specific text segments to one of the given categories, and we will not always use the codes consistently. In these cases, the function to retrieve coded text segments is very helpful to control our work. After entering a critical code (or a whole list of these codes), the program shows us very quickly all text segments in all texts analyzed, which up to now were marked with this code.

    However, this approach to test the reliability of our coding does lead us only to those text segments which were assigned erroneously to a particular category, but not those segments which belong to the definition of this category but were not assigned to this category. In conventional approaches to text analysis we would detect this type of error when we notice inconsistencies within the sets of segments assigned to other categories. With computer assistance it is no problem to control for "missing" text segments by checking all segments which were assigned to related and thus "error prone" categories. In addition, we can make use of the complementary relations of manifest and latent units of meaning in our text. Three strategies appear to be useful:

    We define key words as manifest indicators of a critical meaning and have the computer retrieve all their occurrences in the texts. If we find our key words in a specific text segment, we can decide whether this segment should not better be assigned to the category indicated by this key word. For this strategy most text processors can be used.

    We assemble key words in a dictionary for analysis , called a word catalog in Aquad, that is we use a list of key words for the retrieval of critical text segments. Then we find the information needed in a single run of the program.

    Aquad offers both of these possibilities, automatically combined with a third strategy called key-words-in-context (Popko 1980). This function tries to retrieve one or more key words in our texts and prints it within the context of the line where it was found in a text. The researcher is responsible then for further decisions, for instance about the range of a corresponding unit of meaning and about marking it with a particular code.

    Hypothesis-based categorization

    The research question often supplies the researcher with hypotheses that may be used as a sort of guidance when looking for units of meaning in the texts. Based on these hypotheses the researcher tries to define categories and rules of coding for her/his data.

    For instance, the approach of Marcelo (see p. 18) to code his interviews with beginning teachers was hypothesis based. A theoretical model of professional socialization served as a framework to design a preliminary category system. With increasing familiarity with the texts and deepened insights into the subjective points of view of the beginning teachers, some of the categories had to be omitted from the system as inadequate, while some new categories emerged from the analytic process. Some "narrow" categories could be combined to more comprehensive units in terms of the teachers' subjective theories (see Huber & Marcelo, 1992). Of course, new or combined categories had to be compared to critical text segments in all interviews again.

    Properly, the researcher decides about concrete categories already when designing the collection of data. Thus, for instance, the formulation of guiding questions for an interview would be deductively determined by the researcher's basic hypotheses. On the other hand, the researcher will for sure experience interview situations or find text segments in the interview transcriptions which cannot be assigned to pre-determined categories. For these text segments categories have to be developed inductively. The new categories may relate the text to the original hypotheses -- but they may also be a stepping stone from which modifications of the original frame of reference can be realized. We see that the researcher's degrees of freedom as well as challenges to her/his interpretational aptitudes are increasing when applying this second strategy. Most important, the decreasing structuredness of this approach augments the chances to take into account the subjects' points of view.

    When applying this strategy, the researcher has also to meet the demands of the "method of permanent comparison", which is a trade mark of the approach of grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967, 1979; Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Shelly & Sibert (1992) described this method in detail and related it to models of the researcher's cognitive activities. An activity of major importance in "permanent comparison" is to test every inductive conclusion from particular data to more general principles -- here the analytical categories -- by means of deductive conclusions, that is deductions of specific units of meaning in the data base.

    Together with the demand to apply interpretation in text analysis the importance of computer assistance is increasing. When we try to get an overview on linkages between categories, simple retrieval functions reach their limits. From this point in text analysis on, Aquad serves you especially well, because it supplies you with routines for deductive conclusions based on the principles of logic programming (Tesch 1990; Shelly & Sibert 1992).

    The functions for retrieval of coded text segments and for retrieval of key words (including retrieval dictionaries and the KWIC-function) may be used here to check the consistency of coding within and across text in the same way as in studies applying ready-made category systems (see above).

    From the hypotheses, which mark out a framework for the development of categories, we get hints to specific relations of categories . Aquad supports hypothesis-based data reduction with functions for testing relations of categories. Among other relations you can find out about the super-ordination/sub-ordination of categories, sequences of categories or clusters of particular categories. These three types of relations probably represent the most frequently tested relational patterns tested in text analyses. The test activities demand that you focus your attention not only on one category and the text segments it represents, but on two or more categories and the defined relations between them -- which may include negations! Of course, non-events or missing relations have to be registered in this process, too.

    Categories by theory-building

    The most exacting mode of reducing qualitative data refrains from any prescriptions for data reduction as for instance category systems and from structuring the process of qualitative analysis by hypothetical frameworks. Consequently the researcher has to keep in mind his/her subjective experiences, opinions or prejudices as regards the world views or behavior of his/her subjects, and the researcher has to avoid premature stabilization of emerging principles of data reduction by permanently comparing the momentary categories and relevant statements in all available texts. To be sensible of one's own way of reading a text is particularly important if texts are analyzed which were written long ago or in a context that differs markedly from the researcher's way of life (Fischer, 1982). Often specific information about the speaker or writer of a text is very helpful. If this information is not available in a text, it may be necessary to look for additional sources. These sources and their information help to approach better the goal of viewing the world of the subjects of a study through their own eyes and to understand it from their own perspectives (or, for more auditive readers: these sources may support listening to the speakers' own voices in their texts).

    In this process we try not only to describe subjective world views, but to order them by matching concepts and to reconstruct systematic relations between these concepts, that is, we are occupied with what Glaser & Strauss (1967; 1979) called the discovery of a "grounded theory". The term "discovery" accentuates an essential difference from methodological approaches which are applied to confirm given theories. Grounded theories are developed during text analysis, therefore we do not start from an available theory looking for verifying or falsifying data in the texts, but we start from a phenomenon the text refers to, which we want to understand and to explain (Strauss & Corbin, 1990).

    This approach demands a maximum of interpretational efforts. Exactly this aspect seems to cause problems for beginners of text analysis. Pre-defined category systems come with explicit interpretation rules or they transport these rules implicitly in a set of examples for each category. Researchers using a hypothesis-based approach to categorization can at least rely on a general orientation what to look for in the texts. In the process of theory construction, however, researchers have to find out first what a text is telling them. Beginners often tend to avoid the risk of errors and to interpret as parsimoniously as possible. In extreme cases this tendency results in reading a text for the appearances of critical formulations -- comparable to the application of key words when using ready-made category systems. If text segments containing such a critical formulation are marked by a specific code, this code does not necessarily represent a "unit of meaning" or signify a subjective viewpoint of the writer/speaker, but more probably the mere fact, that a particular formulation was used in this text segment. Its meaning still may be unclear.

    This tendency is especially pronounced, if a researcher does not know about the possibilities of tentative interpretation and easy revisions in computer-assisted qualitative analysis. Supported by Aquad a researcher is not punished for "playing" with ideas by tremendous labor when it comes to revisions of codes during a later phase of analysis, for instance, when the researcher finds text segments not matching a category introduced earlier. On the contrary, computer assistance encourages creative interpretation, because we have to introduce codes as markers of text segments from the very beginning of an analysis, and changes, summaries, differentiations, etc., of categories can be realized smoothly (Tesch, 1992).

    As a rule of thumb for theory construction by categorization we can state: You should look in the text for units of meaning as large as possible in order to find something to interpret at all; at the same time these units should be as small as necessary to avoid representing incongruent contents by the same code. This approach could be called a strategy of differentiation . Aquad supports this strategy, because units of meaning can be defined without limitations; above all, units of meaning may overlap, and the same text segment may be assigned to several categories, that is, it may be marked by several codes.

    If you are already familiar both with qualitative analysis and with the domain addressed in the texts of your study, you may reverse this method and approach your texts following a strategy of generalization These prerequisites given, firstly the probability is low that you fall a victim of details in the text and miss to reveal its essential meanings. Secondly you are then also accustomed to software functions for producing meta-codes, which assemble a number of too detailed categories into one more comprehensive category. In a generalizing approach it is particularly important to compare coded text segments permanently in order to find out inductively about all content dimensions expressed in these segments and the adequate super-ordinate categories. Aquad supports this strategy, too. You can retrieve easily those text segments which are similar to a particularly coded one, which contradict its meaning, which depend on it or are related in other, specified ways to this text segment. Based on findings about such relations you can then try to combine individual codes into a more comprehensive one.

    When we reduce texts to categorical codes, we try to distinguish text segments in such a way that we can assign them to well defined, mutually exclusive categories. Unequivocal assignment of meanings to categories does not imply, however, that the text segments involved always have to be clearly different from each other. Depending on writing styles or communicative styles of the text producers or depending on the researchers´ ways of reading a text , segments assigned to differing categories may overlap or the same text segment may even become assigned to more than one category.

    3.2 How to find sequential codes

    The starting point for sequential coding is the detection of specific relations between text segments. If specific linkages of segments emerge from the text, a researcher may want to mark their appearance in a text and to represent the type of linkage by a particular code -- in the same way as the researcher used categorical code. Here, however, the code represents a defined sequence of meanings found in a text. The unit of meaning is the complete text section, in which the sequence of meanings was found.

    Which strategies are at hand that may help us to go beyond assigning categories or subcategories to text segments and to detect sequences or linkages of meaning in a text? In the following we differentiate between strategies that inquire into simple sequences and complex sequences of meaning.

    Looking for simple sequences

    Besides looking for hierarchical sequences of super- or subordinate categories as recommended by Strauss & Corbin (1990), a number of other simple sequences appear to be interesting from the point of view of grammatical or linguistic properties of the text. When using these strategies, we should be aware, however, that we may be about to abandon looking for emerging categories and begin to enforce categories on the text (see Glaser, 1992). Whether this switch is permissible and which of the possible strategies is adequate cannot be answered absolutely, but depends on the research question. Often researchers are looking for causal sequences (using key words like "because", "based upon", etc.), temporal sequences ("while", "then", "before", etc.), concessive sequences (positive concessions like "not ... but ..." or negative concessions like "indeed ... otherwise ..."), conditional sequences ("if ... then..."), final sequences ("so that", "lest", "in order to", etc.), comparative sequences , modal sequences and defining sequences .

    Neither this list of types of sequences nor the quoted key words claim to be complete. They only want to stimulate your own trials to retrieve sequences of meaning in the texts according to the researcher´s questions. In this context we should again accentuate the function of computers and software as useful tools for text interpretation, but not as agents of qualitative analysis. Functions for word retrieval may be especially helpful, but within very narrow limits. Except in cases where a researcher analyses carefully formulated texts, the yield of dictionaries of particular sequences of meaning is usually limited. In freely spoken interview texts even sentence structures are often hard to define: Where is the principal clause, where does a subordinate clause begin? Often conjunctions critical for defining a specific type of sequence may have been in the mind of a speaker, but they do not appear in the spoken and transcribed text. In addition, many speakers do not use critical conjunctions or constructions according to the grammatical rules. Therefore, looking for key words or applying whole dictionaries of these words never substitutes for empathetic interpretation of texts -- but these strategies may be useful heuristics.

    Looking for complex patterns of sequences

    Structural or content characteristics of texts may inspire the search for complex sequences of meaning. For example, when a researcher tries to reconstruct theories of action implicit in a text, he or she could look for sequences of appraisals of situations, reflexions of alternatives for action, expectations of action effects, and evaluations of potential personal consequences like satisfaction or disappointment. This means, the researcher would have to keep in mind a number of categories and to look for them and their proper sequence simultaneously when interpreting a text. Such an analysis is both demanding and prone to errors. The variety of structures of possible linkages of categories is demanding for software, too. It would not make much sense to implement all sequential combinations of possibly linked categories in form of abstract deductive algorithms into a program, so that the researcher would have to enter during run-time only some concrete codes as variables. For the retrieval of complex patterns a researcher needs access to the source code of her/his software in order to add those rules with minimal programming effort, which s/he expects to apply to the linkage of categories in the texts. Aquad offers exactly this possibility.

    3.3 How to find thematic codes

    The most radical approach to text reduction is applied, if we try to code a text just by one central category, that is, its message or its topic. Since qualitative analysis is a cyclic process, we cannot locate the strategy of thematic coding at a particular place within the interpretational process, let's say at the end as a sort of summary of findings. Thematic coding may play an important role at this stage of text analysis, but this strategy is also useful at other stages:

    When we analyze relatively short and homogenous texts (for instance, "letters to the editor") or paragraphs, thematic coding may be all we need or want to reach our interpretative goals.

    In the case of long, heterogeneous, and complicated texts interpretation may start with thematic reduction. Here, this strategy may serve us as an important heuristic. It may help us to find one or some main ideas in the text and not get entangled in a great number of potentially controversial details.

    Usually, thematic coding appears in the final stage of text analysis, often only after several cycles of data reduction, reconstruction and comparison of meaning structures during which the "Leitmotiv" of different texts was elaborated more and more clearly (see Shelly & Sibert 1992; Strauss & Corbin 1990).

    Strauss & Corbin (1990) recommend five steps for thematic reduction of texts, which are compatible with each of the three locations of thematic reduction:

    (1) We start with identifying a main idea or a central category;

    (2) then we look for subordinate categories,

    (3) which often need to be differentiated or to be linked with each other;

    (4) then we examine hypothetical relations among sub-categories as well as between these categories and the main idea by comparing text segments;

    (5) discrepancies, for instance, inconsistent categories stimulate further cycles of analysis.

    4. How to reconstruct systems of meaning

    In theory-constructing qualitative analysis we try to generate the speaker's or writer's theory of the issue her/his text is talking about, that is, we try to reconstruct the speaker's or writer's subjective system of meaning. Solutions can be developed inductively, deductively or by combining inductive and deductive strategies. Which approach is to be preferred depends on the research question.

    If we analyze transcriptions of minimally structured interviews or texts, for instance entries in a diary, we usually start by identifying units of meaning and assigning them to specific categories. Then we may look for typical sequences of categories. Finally we will try to subsume such sequences under more abstract categories, that is the message or the topics of the text producer. This analysis starts with inductive processes, but alternates between inductive and deductive conclusions at least from the stage of thematic reduction on.

    If we approach a text under a particular theoretical orientation or from the point of view of particular interests, we will try to retrieve specified relations from the beginning. That is, we start with hypotheses of possible relations and try to confirm them deductively in the text. Inconsistencies or contradictions then will cause processes of inductive analysis, which in turn may modify our hypothetical orientation.

    In inductive approaches we try to generalize categories and their systematic linkages from concrete text segments. In deductive approaches we try to find concrete text segments which may confirm general assumptions or hypotheses about how specific categories are linked. The following overview on strategies offered in Aquad for computer-assisted reconstruction of systematic linkages is structured according to these two approaches.

    4.1 Reconstruction from the context of particular data

    We are looking for systematic occurrences of a particular category (or several particular categories) in a data text which is characterized by one or more profile codes, usually socio-demographic codes. For computer-assisted reconstruction we create code matrices (Miles & Huberman 1984) or code tables (Shelly & Sibert 1992). The contents (that is, text segments) in the cells of such a table are determined twice, both by the category serving as column header (profile code) and by the category serving as row header. Thus, the interpretation of findings also is much more guided than in the case of just registering frequent closeness of otherwise "unconditioned" categories in space (line-numbers) and time (sequence of text production). On the other hand, the construction of a table for analysis demands much more conceptual investments, that is greater progress in the process of text analysis. The module "Tables" (see chapter 10.2) is available for this type of reconstructions in Aquad.

    4.2 Reconstruction by testing particular relations

    Here we can also distinguish two approaches, which correspond to the just described strategies of coding simple or complex sequences of meaning in the text.

    (1) Confirming simple code sequences . Let us assume that an interview with parents talking about their educational practices suggests that a father is trying hard to justify his ways of education. Then we could activate the module "Linkages" (see above and chapter 10.3) and examine our tests, looking for sequences of relevant codes, for instance for final or causal codes, in order to confirm our impression deductively.

    (2) Confirming complex relations of codes . If a researcher wants to confirm relations of codes which exceed the complexity of those linkage structures already built into Aquad, s/he can use an "open" programming module in Aquad, a so-called "development environment". This environment contains part of the software package's source code, to which the researcher can add her or his case-specific linkages of codes. How you put your assumptions about complex linkages of codes into a form which can be confirmed or rejected by Aquad is described in detail with the help of several examples in chapter 11.

    5. How to compare relations of meaning

    Permanent comparisons of interpretations within a text and across different texts are at the core of all procedures of qualitative analysis (see Shelly & Sibert 1992). Even when reducing the data within a text to codes it appears to be impossible to attain reliable codings without permanently comparing codes/categories and text segments in the text at hand as well as in the other texts of the research project. However, in most projects we want to achieve more than to get access to unique world views expressed in individual texts by means of a category system valid for all texts. At some point in the research process we usually want to establish general assumptions across texts. This task confronts the researcher with the proverbial danger not to notice the wood because of all the various trees. Tackling all the different formulations in the texts and elaborating their precise meanings should not prevent us from looking for common elements. Therefore we have to notice systematic relations across texts and to compare them, too. Comparing relations between social phenomena, however, regularly leads to findings of numerous conditions in manifold, sometimes controversial combinations. In addition, in many studies one's own findings have to be compared with findings from other studies, that is to perform a meta-analysis of qualitative findings. Even if other researchers have used the same research questions as we did or at least comparable questions, they will have found answers that may be only partially compatible with ours. When looking for configurations of conditions of a particular phenomenon, sciences dealing with the complexities of natural systems usually find highly varying constellations across different studies.

    Let us take an example that is often discussed hotly in everyday life: "Is there a relation between cancer of the lungs and smoking?" Whoever wants to affirm this question is regularly confronted with the case of an 80 years old grandfather, who smoked all his life long, or with the opposite case of a victim of cancer that never touched a cigarette. Obviously a lot of conditions are to be considered. Empirical studies provide us with many empirical arguments and you can choose the ones you need in order to immunize your point of view against counter-arguments. Only a meta-analysis of all the relevant studies or at least a representative sample of these studies could give clarity about the relevant constellations of conditions.

    By applying Boolean algebra to qualitative data Ragin (1987) has developed an important approach comparing qualitative data. The procedure is based on the Quine-McClusky-algorithm of "logical minimization". According to Ragin (1987, p. 121) this approach fulfils the demands for a qualitative comparative research strategy, because

    If we compare this strategy to variable-oriented approaches, which assume that variables can be combined additively, we find that Ragin's case-oriented comparisons (1987, p. 51 f.) appear to be able to

  • uncover patterns of invariance or constant configurations of conditions by minute comparison of individual cases;
  • react more sensitively to meaningful configurations of conditions than to relative frequencies of typical cases -- which implies that even a single contradictory case has to be attended to;
  • consider cases as entities, that is to understand the conditions of a case in relation to each other instead of in relation to their distribution pattern in the population;
  • provide a basis for examining how the conditions found combine in different ways and in different contexts to produce different results.

  • In order to apply the rules of Boolean algebra to qualitative comparisons we reduce in every single case all codes radically to "truth values". We are satisfied with the binary statement "condition true" (i.e., given) respectively "condition false" (i.e., not given). The configuration of conditions of a particular case is represented by a row in the table of truth values. The conditions for a case are combined through Boolean multiplication (logical and ). The different configurations, i.e., the rows in the resulting table are combined additively (logical or ). In this way, we first represent the single cases as configurations of characteristics or conditions and then compare the patterns of configurations. It does not matter if we do not use exclusively qualitative data; scores on a quantitative dimension can also be reduced to truth values.

    Aquad offers the possibilities of logical minimization for qualitative analysis in its module "Implicants". Whenever comparative operations are necessary in the process of qualitative analysis, we should consider these possibilities. Because of the cyclic nature of qualitative analysis, logical minimization may be helpful during each of its phases.

    As a heuristic this strategy is already helpful when we start to generate categories for text interpretation, even if we have only analyzed a few texts, that is even with a small basis for comparative operations. During the final phase of analysis, when we want to create a summary of results or when we want to group our findings, to distinguish types of writers or speakers, to determine key texts in our data base, etc., the strategy of logical minimization appears to be indispensable. As Ragin (1987, p. 51) has stated, "the potential volume of the analysis increases geometrically with the addition of a single case, and it increases exponentially with the addition of a single causal condition." Aquad offers well elaborated procedures for grouping or clustering cases by means of logical minimalization of critical conditions. Finally, we can apply the strategy of logical minimization when we intend to compare several qualitative studies . This is a methodological step usually called meta-analysis In the area of qualitative research, the strategy of logical minimization could supply the simplicity, transparency, reliability, and documentation desired for meta-analytical comparisons.


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